Premade croissant dough teams up with prepared pudding and an easy chocolate-cream coating to make delicious doughnut-like chocolate 'cronuts' that will...
Super-moist, delicious and nutritious, gluten free Pumpkin Bread (gum free). Dress up your pumpkin bread with pepitas or mini chocolate chips. Or, simply...
A great way to use quinoa! It can be used as a crust or flatbread, made into a main dish, side dish, or appetizer! This is one that works well and can...
Moist and delicious, this is a quick bread recipe with a healthy dose of grated zucchini, pineapple, and whole wheat flour. It's very easy to make, keeps...
These fun-to-make flatbreads are a common fixture on menus in China, and while they all feature the same few ingredients, they come in a variety of thicknesses....
My husband is from Denmark, and making this traditional Danish favorite is a family affair. I make the batter, my husband does the cooking, and the kids...
I served this bread at last year's Christmas dinner and it was the topic of conversation at the table. Everyone loved it! Delicious with any meal or on...
Creamy and comforting side dish that goes well with a hearty beef stew or winter-time soup. My grandfather made this and shared his recipe with me. Dish...
This savory little snack is a perfect appetizer or party food. I'm borrowing this recipe from my Brazilian friend Crislei who is so kind enough to share...
Fresh basil perfectly complements strawberries in this sweet beer bread. It's delicious served alongside a pork or chicken dinner or toasted as a breakfast...
Apple chunks, sharp Cheddar cheese, and fresh rosemary are a great savory and sweet combination in this beer bread. It's especially good with soup or chili....
Breakfast, lunch, tea time, and dinner - this popular Indian pancake is available for a meal or snack. As kids we ate it sprinkled with sugar. It's typically...
Ate this at a restaurant once and had to figure out how to make it on my own. Yummy! Fritters can also be made with shredded zucchini; substitute sour...
A great gluten-free dinner roll that can be put together in no time. If you're going to get in to gluten-free baking, tapioca flour is going to be one...
Insanely delicious dark chocolate butternut squash bread lightened up and made gluten-free with whole grains, Greek yogurt, and applesauce. This creamy,...
This is a wonderful sweet and hearty bread. It goes great with a bowl of soup on a winters day, or plain with a little butter. It is the easiest bread...
Creamy and comforting side dish that goes well with a hearty beef stew or winter-time soup. My grandfather made this and shared his recipe with me. Dish...
This is a flat bread that is easy to prepare, and is usually served with something sweet to put on top. Honey or cinnamon sugar. I prefer it with honey...
Apple chunks, sharp Cheddar cheese, and fresh rosemary are a great savory and sweet combination in this beer bread. It's especially good with soup or chili....
As a child, my husband loved going to his Aunt Kathy's in hopes that she would be making his favorite old-fashioned potato donuts. These are light and...
Do you love apple fritters? Then you'll love Apple Fritter Bread! This decadent quick bread is reminiscent of your favorite apple fritters but in a sliceable,...
A wholesome breakfast, a quick meal or an accompaniment for curries and bhaaji, thalipeeth is a traditional Maharashtrian multigrain roti/flatbread from...
An all-time Philippine favorite. The creamy and sticky texture makes this recipe an irresistible one. Use any type of semi-soft or hard grated cheese,...
This is a vamped-up version of monkey bread. Amazingly delicious, and so tempting to the sweet tooth. If you want to be generous, the cream cheese adds...
An all-time Philippine favorite. The creamy and sticky texture makes this recipe an irresistible one. Use any type of semi-soft or hard grated cheese,...